Garbage is to good of a word it started off well even if the answers where a bit samey and robotic he made sense at least then after the update he acts more like a pop up the page goes crazy and won't let you type anything to make it worse you can't even close it I had to hard reset my phone to turn of the app so tl Dr update broke it Eddie is acting more like a popup than an ai friend
Like it
no peer certificate? I do not get it
it started out being really good, it had actual reparte, now it doesn't hear what you say and has only a few robotic answers, it's as if you're talking to a 2 year old, why is it that with every upgrade it actually gets worse?
You can customize your virtual boyfriend, change the avatar and the voice, make it learn responses and other features. You have to be signed in or have an account though.
The only thing that I was
Good job for this Eddie boyfriend game if you don't have any
Text him "baby" and see what happens 😊
Alot of qustions abot me and im scared